Dizzy Blonde Negroni
Abigail Gullo knows how to throw a party. Working at bars across the country, from New York to New Orleans and now Seattle, sometimes she orchestrates a party from behind the stick; other times she entertains friends in her own backyard. Both occasions require good cocktails, so Gullo often breaks out her vintage soda siphon and pre-batches the Dizzy Blonde Negroni, a make-ahead drink that can't fail. It features equal parts gin, Aperol and dry vermouth, plus Cointreau and a dose of water to smooth out the edges and provide a little dilution. Each ingredient is added directly into the siphon, an old-school approach that guarantees the contents are well-carbonated and delicious, from the spout straight into the glass. (Pro tip: Keep all the ingredients cold to ensure proper fizz.) This Negroni variation is less bitter than the original. The Aperol aperitivo and Cointreau orange liqueur create a lighter, orange-accented flavor profile, while the substitution of dry vermouth for sweet vermouth tamps down the richness in favor of dry, floral notes. Gullo's soda siphon trick can work for a variety of drinks, but whenever you're making a large-format cocktail, she says to be wary of overdoing the sugar. Start by adding all of the liquor first, followed by the bitter, sweet or sour ingredients. Then begin with half of the sugar that you'd normally use, slowly adjusting the flavors, and being sure to taste as you go. How to Throw a Killer Cocktail Party, New Orleans-Style


  1. Add the gin, Aperol, dry vermouth, Cointreau and water into an ice-cold one-quart soda siphon.
  2. Charge the siphon with a CO2 charger, shake it, then dispense the contents into rocks glasses or punch cups over cracked ice.
  3. Garnish each drink with a cinnamon stick, grapefruit twist and star anise pod.