Fort Defiance Irish Coffee
Listed under the “Hot Helpers” category on the drinks menu at Fort Defiance in Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood, this Irish Coffee by owner St. John Frizell was once dubbed "the best in the known world" by The New York Times. 3 Ways to Reconsider Irish Coffee



  1. Add the whiskey and simple syrup into a shaker.
  2. Add boiling water into an Irish Coffee mug to heat it, and nestle the shaker into the mug so that the shaker heats as well.
  3. Add the heavy cream to a separate shaker and dry-shake (without ice) until the cream thickens.
  4. Discard the water from the mug, add the whiskey-syrup mixture, and fill with boiling water to about 1 inch below the rim of the glass.
  5. Pour the espresso shot into the glass and top with the thickened cream.
  6. Top with a sprinkle of grated cinnamon.