The Frost Awakens
What could melt the slick, seemingly frosty demeanor of a stoic storm trooper in ‘Star Wars'? Well, for starters, Ryan Morris, the general manager of Venkman's in Atlanta, thinks one must start with rum. Of course! Sometimes, when the weather calls in the balmy South, he likes to run this tropically tweaked tipple through his on-premises slushy machine. But you can shake it up, too. This recipe originally appeared as part of “Celebrate the Release of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi' with These Great ‘Stars Wars' Cocktail Recipes.”


  • 1 1/2 oz Bayou rum
  • 2 oz Coconut milk
  • 2 oz Pineapple juice
  • 2 oz Fresh orange juice


  1. Add all the ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake.
  2. Strain into a Collins glass over ice.