Amanyara Mojito
Ask bartenders what's the most annoying thing about making a Mojito, and they'll most likely point to all that muddling. And when those same bartenders get overzealous with the muddler, guests have to suffer through pesky flecks of mint getting stuck in between their teeth. First-world problems? Most definitely. Are these still nuisances on both sides of the bar? For sure. But one resort figured out how to eliminate these cocktail conundrums. Order a Mojito at the Amanyara resort on the Turks & Caicos island of Providenciales, and what arrives at your table looks like none you've ever seen before. The secret? Blend the rum, mint, lime juice and simple syrup instead of muddling and shaking them, then class it up by topping the drink with brut Champagne instead of club soda. “The idea of blending the ingredients was to make the Mojito look more inviting due to its fresh green color and to ensure the mint is blended properly throughout the entire drink,” says Edward Linsley, the former general manager of the Aman resorts. “The mixture is poured through a fine strainer to prevent smaller pieces of mint from remaining in the drink, as mint oxidizes and can turn the drink brown.” Oxidation is precisely the problem with shortcuts like infusing the mint into a syrup or muddling a bunch of drinks in advance and just topping them off with ice and club soda. There have been guests who have requested flavored variations, and bartenders are always up for tossing in some fresh strawberries or raspberries. You should feel free to do the same, if you like.


  • 2 ounces light rum (such as Bacardi Superior)
  • 1 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • 10 mint leaves
  • Champagne, chilled, to top
  • Garnish: dehydrated lime wheel
  • Garnish: 2 mint sprigs


  1. Add all ingredients except Champagne into a blender with ice and blend until smooth.
  2. Fine-strain into a rocks glass over crushed ice.
  3. Top with Champagne.
  4. Garnish with a dehydrated lime wheel and 2 mint sprigs.