Diamond Blue
In 2010, Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton with a 12-carat sapphire engagement ring. While recreating that moment isn't feasible for most of us, mixing up this Diamond Blue cocktail most certainly is. It comes from bar veteran Charlotte Voisey, who channeled the royal ring when making this luxurious cocktail. The Blue Diamond begins with gin, a solid choice for any British-leaning drink. From there, it receives a helping hand of flavor and color from crème de violette and blue curaçao. The former is an intensely floral violet liqueur best known for its use in the Aviation, while the latter is an orange liqueur that has been colored blue. They combine to give the cocktail its deep sapphire hue. Voisey also enlists lemon juice, which cuts through the sweet liqueurs and brings balance to the drink. The Champagne lends an effervescent sparkle while also lengthening the cocktail with necessary dryness to counter the strong flavors. And it all gets topped with a garnish of edible silver powder. This ingredient, usually reserved for cakes and other desserts, adds flair to the sophisticated drink. Admittedly, mixing a cocktail isn't the same as giving someone a massive piece of jewelry. But this Blue Diamond tastes better than a shiny stone, and it's a lot easier to acquire. So make it for someone you love, even if that person is you. 11 Gin Cocktails to Try Right Now


  1. Add the gin, crème de violette, blue curaçao and lemon juice to a mixing glass with ice, and stir until well-chilled.
  2. Strain into a Champagne flute, and top with the Champagne.
  3. Garnish with a light dusting of edible silver powder.